The Family House TODAY

The family house in Barangay Central, San Marcelino, Zambales is empty now. No voice from inside will answer your call from outside the iron gate. No chinelas footfalls will signal the approach of someone to open the door and welcome you with hugs. Children of this and future generations may someday stop to look at the house from over the top of the now mossy concrete fence. It is fervently hoped that memories and experiences written in this humble work will give life to their imaginations and inspire them to keep and honor their heritage of good, clean and honest living.

This work would not be complete without and homage to an icon of the Virgin Mary, a heritage from Grandmother Juliana(Apong Ullit) which is venerated and referred to as Apong Baket! Her care is passed on from one family to another and lavish decoration and bright lights of her carriage during processions speak of the dedication of whoever is presently in charge. She has a permanent niche clan wherever they may be.