
We often wondered where Father's parents got the name “Meliton”; no one ever knew anybody else with the same name. And so his name would stand out in a list. When he was in a crowd, he was a head taller than the others, tall and straight like the bamboo among a clump of trees. In his later years, his crown of white, silvery hair made him more conspicuous.

Father's height was surely commanding, more than that his name stood for the dignity of a clean and honest life, upright and independent ideals, unwavering and steadfast to principles. He did not seriously aspire to be a leader but his views on vital community issues were highly respected. His sense of nationalism was shown in his being a pillar of the Philippine Independent Church (Iglesia Filipina Independiente).

This was our much loved and loving father, the guide and inspiration of his family of all generations. More admirable and deeper facets of his personality could be gleaned from this narration.